Massimo Dominici is scientific founder of Rigenerand srl, a joint venture between RanD (a biomedical company producing bioreactors for liver support and chemohyperthermic technology for cancer) and experts in cell and gene therapy at the University of Modena and Emilia Region in Italy. Rigenerand develops and manufactures medicinal products for cell-therapy applications (primarily for regenerative medicine and oncology) and three-dimensional (3D) bioreactors as an alternative to animal testing for preclinical investigations. The company also produces its own pipeline of cell and gene therapies for cancer treatment and operates a contract development and manufacturing (CDMO) division that provides good manufacturing practice (GMP) support for scaling up of cell-based medicinal products. Headquartered in Medolla, Italy, Rigenerand is developing a proprietary gene therapy for treating patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). It has been granted orphan drug designation by both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicine Agency (EMA), with a phase 1 clinical trial beginning this year.
Mesenchymal Stromal Stem Cells: Next Steps and Considerations for CGMP Manufacturing
June 23, 2021
|In Press Releases